Tackling Giants: How to Investigate Powerful Individuals

Tackling Giants: How to Investigate Powerful Individuals

Unfortunately, we are at a time when we’re growing increasingly accustomed to seeing news stories about harassment in the workplace with many of these claims coming from women. While the #MeToo movement originally started in 2006, it became a deafening cry with...
How to Navigate Third Parties During an Investigation

How to Navigate Third Parties During an Investigation

As investigators, we know that any type of workplace investigation can be fraught with a litany of problems or special circumstances. As such, knowing how to navigate these nuances is critical to maintaining control and credibility while conducting investigations in...
What Are the Subtle Signs of Bullying in the Workplace?

What Are the Subtle Signs of Bullying in the Workplace?

Bullying — it’s something we think about when we hear about school children on the playground. However, what you may not be aware of is that bullying occurs in a professional setting where you would least expect it — the workplace. The numbers are staggering — nearly...
‘Tis the Season to Prevent Corporate Holiday Party Lawsuits

‘Tis the Season to Prevent Corporate Holiday Party Lawsuits

The holiday season is officially upon us, which means many employers will be hosting their annual holiday parties and year-end celebrations in the weeks to come. These parties are a time-honored tradition to many and are generally considered as a great way to boost...