When Should You Investigate a Workplace Complaint?

When Should You Investigate a Workplace Complaint?

Workplace investigations of employee complaints can be crucial for solving and preventing workplace conflicts, preserving an organization’s public reputation, avoiding litigation, and protecting organizations if employees do take legal action. But not every...
When Is a Consensual Relationship Inappropriate in the Workplace?

When Is a Consensual Relationship Inappropriate in the Workplace?

The recent firing of McDonald’s former CEO Steve Easterbrook highlights the problem of drawing the line between appropriate and inappropriate romantic relationships in the workplace. Easterbrook was a successful CEO. McDonald’s stock price more than...
Common Workplace Investigation Mistakes

Common Workplace Investigation Mistakes

There’s not a lot of room for error when investigating complaints of workplace harassment or discrimination. Mistakes made during the investigation process can expose your client to expensive liability in the future. That’s an unnecessary risk that can be...