Failing to Respond to Employee Complaints

Failing to Respond to Employee Complaints

In recent weeks, #metoo has become a trending topic on social media as more and more people are coming forward with their own stories of having been sexually harassed, assaulted or abused. In an employment context, managers and HR professionals should always be...
Learning From the Allegations Against Harvey Weinstein

Learning From the Allegations Against Harvey Weinstein

The news in the U.S. over the past several weeks has been dominated by sexual assault and sexual harassment allegations against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. All told, more than 40 accusers had come forward as of October 17, 2017. Weinstein’s own...
Whistleblowers and Internal Investigations

Whistleblowers and Internal Investigations

Every internal investigation into allegations of misconduct or wrongdoing should be handled carefully. However, when someone within your organization blows the proverbial whistle to report allegations of wrongdoing, it is imperative to handle the investigation with...
Does Your Internal Investigation Present a Conflict of Interest?

Does Your Internal Investigation Present a Conflict of Interest?

Allegations of workplace misconduct can occur in any organization, in any industry. In investigating the merits of such allegations, companies need to be diligent about conducting full, fair and timely inquiries and interviews, and concluding matters as soon as is...
Why Timeliness Matters in Employment Investigations

Why Timeliness Matters in Employment Investigations

When you are on the receiving end of a complaint or an allegation that an employee violated one or more company policies or laws, it’s important to conduct a thorough and fair investigation into the matter. Doing so can help you identify if any further action is...
Learning From an Investigation

Learning From an Investigation

When allegations of workplace misconduct arise, most company executives and HR professionals understand the importance of handling the investigation thoroughly, in a timely manner, and in a way that will limit the firm’s risk. However, after all of the...