Articles by Rachel Ablin, Esq.
The Cost of Early Investigation Errors
The possibility of errors is present in every employment investigation; after all, as long as there is human involvement in any way, errors are...
Preventing Issues Requiring Investigations Starts With Strong Employee Policies
When you have an allegation of misconduct in the workplace, it's critical to investigate it fully, fairly and in a timely manner. However, if...
Preempting Witness Intimidation or Retaliation
When employers receive claims of workplace misconduct, it's critical to conduct investigations that are full, fair and thorough, and to take...
Conducting Internal Investigations when Law Enforcement is Involved
When allegations of workplace misconduct arise, companies have a duty to conduct full, fair and prompt investigations. Handling those matters...
Investigation Pitfalls: Tips and Tricks
When you've identified a potential issue in the workplace that needs to be investigated, what you do, or don't do, right from the start can have...
Retaining Employee Confidence by Using Outside Counsel to Investigate
Companies faced with allegations of workplace misconduct have choices when it comes to investigating those allegations. Some firms opt to use...
Upjohn Warnings and Privilege in Investigations
When conducting investigations into allegations of employee misconduct, attorneys often find themselves in an uncomfortable position. Legal...
How Hiring an External Investigator can Prevent Cat’s Paw Liability
Terminating an employee as a result of findings from an internal investigation is often a necessary step. However, employers may be hesitant to make...
Let an Experienced Investigator Handle Workplace Investigations
When workplace misconduct occurs and is reported, employers have an obligation to investigate the matter fully, promptly, and to take appropriate...
Protecting Employees (and The Company) from Retaliation
Although there are legal protections in place designed to shelter employees from retaliatory actions for initiating or participating in workplace...