Scope creep is an all-too-common, pernicious issue that can significantly impact the effectiveness and efficiency of workplace investigations. Defined as the uncontrolled expansion of an investigation’s focus, scope creep often leads to blown budgets, inconclusive findings, and a lack of clarity.

When new, unforeseen information surfaces, it can redirect the investigation, causing a shift in focus that wasn’t initially planned. This not only hampers the investigation’s progress but also introduces new challenges in maintaining the investigation’s purpose and clarity.

With that in mind, we are sharing today key insights business leaders should consider when handling workplace investigations.

Understanding Scope Creep

Scope creep refers to the phenomenon in which an investigation loses its clear purpose and focus, often becoming muddled and unclear. It typically happens when new information is discovered during the investigative process, which then becomes the new focal point, leading to a deviation from the original objectives.

This can be particularly damaging in workplace investigations, where maintaining focus is crucial for reaching conclusive results. As such, it is considered a “fatal flaw” of investigations.

3 Best Practices for Combatting Scope Creep

1. Maintain Investigation Focus and Scope: Start by clearly defining the scope of the investigation. Determine how the allegations might breach company policy and set clear goals. When new information emerges, quickly triage its relevance to avoid veering off course. Avoid judging character or keeping score; focus solely on collecting evidence related to the allegations.

2. Streamline Issues: If unrelated grievances arise during the investigation, assess their relevance to the primary complaint. Decide whether they require separate investigations or administrative actions. Stay focused on the primary issue to ensure a thorough and efficient investigation.

3. Commit to Finalization of the Investigation: If possible without exacerbating any other issues or concerns, ensure that the current investigation is fully completed before addressing new issues. This approach helps maintain the integrity of the process, allowing for thorough and focused outcomes. By committing to finalizing each investigation, you ensure that every matter receives the appropriate level of attention and due diligence.

Implementing these strategies can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your workplace investigations. By maintaining focus, streamlining issues, and committing to finalization of the investigation, you can manage multiple issues without compromising the integrity of the process.

If you have questions or need assistance managing workplace investigations, seeking professional guidance is often the best course of action. Reach out to Ablin Law today for assistance with all aspects of workplace investigations.


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